Code Challenge WK01

Date, 2024/03/22

By Edward Koikai


This repo contains three main programs

Challenge 1: Student Grade Generator

This program prompts the user to enter student's marks and calculate the student grade as A, B, C , D, OR E based on the marks attained by the student. The program uses html to create via input element and link to js file for scripting

Challenge 2: Speed Detector

This IS a program that takes in as input the speed of a car e.g 80. If the speed is less than 70, it prints “Ok”. Otherwise, for every 5 km/s above the speed limit (70), it gives the driver one demerit point and print the total number of demerit points.

Challenge 3: Net Salary Calculator

This is a program whose major task is to calculate an individual’s Net Salary by getting the inputs of basic salary and benefits. It Calculates the payee (i.e. Tax), NHIFDeductions, NSSFDeductions, gross salary, and net salary.

You use git clone to be able to download the documents in the GitHub

Installation Requirements


Installation instruction

Git clone

Live Link

[Git](gh-pages link)

Technologies used

Github HTML CSS Javascript

Support and contact details


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