
Running Openvino on Ubuntu 18 natively and via Docker

Primary LanguageShell

Installing Openvino on Ubuntu 18.04

Please include the openvino toolkit tgz file in this folder. Depending on which version you downloaded you might need to change a few path names in the Dockerfile/install.sh script.

Creating an Openvino docker image

I was not able to find any official docker images so here is one for your convenience.

The Dockerfile will create an Ubuntu16.04 image able to run openVino code.


For docker

  • docker build . -t name:tag
  • docker run --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri -it name:tag

For native:

  • sudo ./install.sh

Just converting:

If you just want to convert a model to intel intermediate representation:

  • Modify docker-compose file to mount the needed directories
  • Call ./convert_model.sh with the parameters the model_optimizer needs.