
Dietary plannner app with AI support for plan creation, with small social features. Collaborative project alongside hhache2 and stonov.

Primary LanguagePython

To run:

  1. Configure db_config.py to match your local MySQL and Neo4j settings
  2. run `py nutritio.py' (it will automatically setup the tables and dummy data for you)
  3. To auto create / reset table, comment nutrition.py line before app.run (on if name = "main" block)

On progress:

  1. AI algorithm for meal generation [done]
  2. Prototype for NoSQL section of our program. Currently developing Neo4j. [done]


  1. Host codebase in a web-server so it can be accessed by others (cPanel, heroku?) -> timeline?
  2. Fix the front-end for the social features [By 12/23/2020] -> please create PR for this -> I will, as soon as possible -> ok