Initial empty template by
Application made using Maven as build system.
After running the project, you access Swagger on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/.
Some of the skills I've used/learned:
- Reactive programming with MongoDB
- Implementing Swagger
- Common folder structure/conventions with Java Spring-boot
- Download new dependencies with Maven
Always check if the dependencies are compatible and not creating another
After finished, I received some feedback and made the following improvements:
- Removed Autowired annotation, using @RequiredArgsConstructor from Lombok
- Removed return logic from the controller
- Implemented getters in the Space entity and made the original properties private
- Fixed the name of SpaceService and SpaceServiceImpl after noticing they were inverted
- Stopped using ReactiveMongoTemplate and moved to @Query and @Update annotations
- Domains were taking place of response/request models.
- Discovered and implemented a better way to throw exceptions
Plans to study: