
A simple Helm chart for Redis.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

abstract authors date title
A simple Redis deployment.
name email
Xander Harris
Readme for a simple Redis Helm Chart


A simple Helm chart to deploy a simple Redis instance.


Install a single-node Redis cluster with this procedure.

  1. Create a namespace.

    kubectl create ns redis
  2. Run the unit tests.

    1. Install the Helm unittest plugin.

      helm plugin install https://github.com/helm-unittest/helm-unittest
    2. Use it to execute the provided unit tests.

      helm unittest -f 'tests/*.yaml' .

      If things are well, you should see something like this.

      ### Chart [ redis ] .
      PASS  Test Redis Connection Pod        tests/pod_test.yaml
      PASS  Test Redis Service       tests/service_test.yaml
      PASS  Test Redis ServiceAccount        tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml
      PASS  test for statefulset     tests/statefulset_test.yaml
      Charts:      1 passed, 1 total
      Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
      Tests:       26 passed, 26 total
      Snapshot:    0 passed, 0 total
      Time:        80.259815ms
  3. Install the helm release.

    helm -n redis upgrade --install redis .
  4. Test the release on your cluster.

This will deploy using the values in values.yaml. You may update the values in that file to suit your needs. The default values do not provide ingress.