
iOS app for automated messaging. Program your automated messages including sending frequency time and receiver users, and the messages machine will do the job.

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS app for automated messaging. Program your automated messages including sending frequency time and receiver users, and the messages machine will do the job.


  • Serverless
  • Charts
  • Protocols and delegates
  • XCTest
  • firebase-database
  • firebase-authentication
  • firebase-firestore
  • MVC

Architecture Diagram

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1. Register and Login

Let's register and log in with two users:


2. Automated Messaging Configuration

ezgif com-gif-maker (14)

ezgif com-gif-maker (15)

3. Message Frequency

  • See how user one@test.com (iPhone) changes the frequency of the message so that user two@test.com (iPad) receives more messages in less time:

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  • See how user one@test.com (iPhone) deletes its automated message, created to stablish communication with user two@test.com (iPad), who immediately stops receiving inbox notifications:

ezgif com-gif-maker (17)

4. Charts

This view shows a pie chart where the final user can see the number of sent and received messages grouped by category:

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