
YOLOV3 as detector and EffcientNET(planto) for classification

Primary LanguagePython

Fish Recognizer


  • Keras
  • Tensorflow (1.9)
  • Opencv
  • PIL

How to use

Clone this respository

git clone https://github.com/edwin-19/Fish-Recognizer.git

Donwload weights from here

Then change path for weights in yolo.py for files

Then run the following command

python yolo_video.py --input input/out.mp4 --output output/test.avi

Sample Output

Output Result


  • - Increase accuracy on detector
  • - Add SORT Algorithm
  • - Add recognizer for fish


This repo was heavily insipred by the following repos do check out their work if your interested:

I borrowed the weights trained by the following repo to label some of the data: