Pinned Repositories
The goal of this project is share with you, xamples and complete databases that have served me over the years to improve my knowledge of programming, in order that they can serve you for any system that you are implementing and need some guide or orientation
Diseñe un programa que lea los 5,750,250 votos otorgados a 3 candidatos presidenciales e imprima el numero del candidato ganador y su cantidad de votos George mendez 17-eiit-1-058 Lleison estrella 17-eiit-1-001 Julio Geraldo 17-eiit-1-023 Diego feliz 17-eiit-1-024 Luis girado17-eiit-1-052
This project born from the need from people to have a way of communication between municipalities and communities. Some municipalities, have their platforms, but they are complex to validate the veracity of complaints. Denounced, it was born with the purpose of offering a free platform to these municipalities. Denounced consists of three main modules developed with Microsoft technologies, using the .Net Framework and Xamarin for its development: 1. Back End Web Project: Module of administration of the complaints, by the employees of the town councils. In this tool, the employees of the city council receive, validate, report and close the complaints, after being served. 2. Web Portal Client: It consists of a web project, so that the community make their complaints, in the same, the users of the service create a profile, must specify when making their complaint, evidence to support this. Through the portal, they can see the complaints of other community members, follow it, give their opinion or provide possible solutions or more evidence. 3. Mobile Project: It has the same functionalities as the web portal, with the addition, that the automatic location can be sent, from the cell phone.
Este proyecto describe cada segundo, la distancia que separa al avión del proyectil, hasta que estén a 10,000 mtrs. o más. El cual fue asignado por el profesor, en la materia: Programación Estructurada, sección: 0463. Grupo: The innovators, integrantes: Andres Cabrera 17-EIIT-1-050, Aurely Reyes 17-EIIT-1-030, Jumery Mateo 17-EIIT-1-013, Radames Aquino 17-EIIT-1-130, Karla Beltre 17-EIIT-1-132 y Oscar Rivera 17-EIIT-1-133
ASP.NET MVC5 - Iniciativa de aprendizaje mediante ejemplos
Sample of Instagram UI in Xamarin Forms
programa con las funciones que pidio el profesor, seccion 0908, BERNARDO MORENO 13-MISM-1-036, ARIEL ROMERO 14-EISN-1-215 ANTHONY ENCARNACION 15-EISN-1-253
Xamarin and MvvMCross plugin for authenticate a user via fingerprint sensor
edwin2194's Repositories
programa con las funciones que pidio el profesor, seccion 0908, BERNARDO MORENO 13-MISM-1-036, ARIEL ROMERO 14-EISN-1-215 ANTHONY ENCARNACION 15-EISN-1-253
Xamarin and MvvMCross plugin for authenticate a user via fingerprint sensor
The goal of this project is share with you, xamples and complete databases that have served me over the years to improve my knowledge of programming, in order that they can serve you for any system that you are implementing and need some guide or orientation
Diseñe un programa que lea los 5,750,250 votos otorgados a 3 candidatos presidenciales e imprima el numero del candidato ganador y su cantidad de votos George mendez 17-eiit-1-058 Lleison estrella 17-eiit-1-001 Julio Geraldo 17-eiit-1-023 Diego feliz 17-eiit-1-024 Luis girado17-eiit-1-052
This project born from the need from people to have a way of communication between municipalities and communities. Some municipalities, have their platforms, but they are complex to validate the veracity of complaints. Denounced, it was born with the purpose of offering a free platform to these municipalities. Denounced consists of three main modules developed with Microsoft technologies, using the .Net Framework and Xamarin for its development: 1. Back End Web Project: Module of administration of the complaints, by the employees of the town councils. In this tool, the employees of the city council receive, validate, report and close the complaints, after being served. 2. Web Portal Client: It consists of a web project, so that the community make their complaints, in the same, the users of the service create a profile, must specify when making their complaint, evidence to support this. Through the portal, they can see the complaints of other community members, follow it, give their opinion or provide possible solutions or more evidence. 3. Mobile Project: It has the same functionalities as the web portal, with the addition, that the automatic location can be sent, from the cell phone.
Este proyecto describe cada segundo, la distancia que separa al avión del proyectil, hasta que estén a 10,000 mtrs. o más. El cual fue asignado por el profesor, en la materia: Programación Estructurada, sección: 0463. Grupo: The innovators, integrantes: Andres Cabrera 17-EIIT-1-050, Aurely Reyes 17-EIIT-1-030, Jumery Mateo 17-EIIT-1-013, Radames Aquino 17-EIIT-1-130, Karla Beltre 17-EIIT-1-132 y Oscar Rivera 17-EIIT-1-133
ASP.NET MVC5 - Iniciativa de aprendizaje mediante ejemplos
Sample of Instagram UI in Xamarin Forms
Programa que calcula el agua derramada por día = programación orientada a objetos, sección 908 = Grupo: Los Troyanos = Luis E. Guzmán R. 11-EISN-1-347, Marcelo Peguero 14-EISN-1-114, Luis E. Corporan 14-SISM-1-142, Misael Geronimo 15-EIST-1-075, Jose Chanlatte 14-EISM-1-148
Xamarin Recipes
Manage localization of all ResX-Based resources in one central place.
Esta aplicacion de ejemplo tiene la finalidad de darle seguimiento a cualquier clase de torneo, y hacer predicciones al respecto, donde el ganador de la prediccion, se lleva el premio que hayan pautado los creadores del grupo
Expense Tracker, for see where you waste most of your money
XML, NEWS & RSS Reader maked in Xamarin, for educational purpose. Especial thanks to "" for the original version of the code