
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) OpenData API Client for R

Primary LanguageR

Statistics Netherlands (www.cbs.nl) opendata API client for R

version downloads R build status AppVeyor Build Status

Retrieve data and spatial maps from the open data interface (dutch) of Statistics Netherlands (cbs.nl) with R.




The latest development version of cbsodata can installed using devtools.



Retrieve a table of contents with all SN tables.

ds <- cbs_get_datasets("Language" = "en")
## # A tibble: 6 × 25
##   Updated             Identifier Title       ShortTitle ShortDescription Summary
##   <dttm>              <chr>      <chr>       <chr>      <chr>            <chr>  
## 1 2023-11-30 00:00:00 80783eng   Agricultur… Agricultu… "\nThis table c… "Agric…
## 2 2023-11-30 00:00:00 80784eng   Agricultur… Agricultu… "\nThis table c… "Agric…
## 3 2023-12-12 00:00:00 85636ENG   Arable cro… Arable cr… "\nThis table p… "area …
## 4 2023-04-03 00:00:00 37738ENG   Vegetables… Vegetable… "\nThis table p… "Area …
## 5 2023-06-30 00:00:00 83981ENG   Livestock … Livestock… "\nThis table c… "Manur…
## 6 2023-10-12 00:00:00 84952ENG   Livestock … Livestock  "\nThis table c… "Lives…
## # ℹ 19 more variables: Modified <dttm>, MetaDataModified <dttm>,
## #   ReasonDelivery <chr>, ExplanatoryText <chr>, OutputStatus <chr>,
## #   Source <chr>, Language <chr>, Catalog <chr>, Frequency <chr>, Period <chr>,
## #   SummaryAndLinks <chr>, ApiUrl <chr>, FeedUrl <chr>,
## #   DefaultPresentation <chr>, DefaultSelection <chr>, GraphTypes <chr>,
## #   RecordCount <int>, ColumnCount <int>, SearchPriority <chr>

or do a search:

res <- cbs_search("apple", language="en")
res[1:3, c(1:4)]
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##    score Updated             Identifier Title                                   
##    <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>      <chr>                                   
## 1 0.0503 2023-12-07 00:00:00 85680ENG   Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (…
## 2 0.0356 2023-12-07 00:00:00 85683ENG   Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (…
## 3 0.0337 2023-12-07 00:00:00 85682ENG   Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (…

Use the Identifier from tables to retrieve table information

## 71509ENG: 'Yield apples and pears, 1997 - 2017', 2017
##   FruitFarmingRegions: 'Fruit farming regions'
##   Periods: 'Periods' 
## Retrieve a default data selection with:
##  cbs_get_data(id = "71509ENG", FruitFarmingRegions = c("1", "2", 
## "4", "3", "5"), Periods = c("1997JJ00", "2012JJ00", "2013JJ00", 
## "2016JJ00"), select = c("FruitFarmingRegions", "Periods", "TotalAppleVarieties_1", 
## "CoxSOrangePippin_2", "DelbarestivaleDelcorf_3", "Elstar_4", 
## "GoldenDelicious_5", "Jonagold_6", "Jonagored_7", "RodeBoskoopRennetApple_10", 
## "OtherAppleVarieties_12", "TotalPearVarieties_13", "Conference_15", 
## "DoyenneDuComice_16", "CookingPears_17", "TriompheDeVienne_18", 
## "OtherPearVarieties_19", "TotalAppleVarieties_20", "CoxSOrangePippin_21", 
## "DelbarestivaleDelcorf_22", "Elstar_23", "GoldenDelicious_24", 
## "Jonagold_25", "Jonagored_26", "RodeBoskoopRennetApple_29", "OtherAppleVarieties_31", 
## "TotalPearVarieties_32", "Conference_34", "DoyenneDuComice_35", 
## "CookingPears_36", "TriompheDeVienne_37", "OtherPearVarieties_38"
## ))

Or download data.

library(dplyr) # just for example's sake
apples <- cbs_get_data("71509ENG") 

apples |> 
## # A tibble: 105 × 4
##    FruitFarmingRegions Periods  TotalAppleVarieties_1 CoxSOrangePippin_2
##    <chr>               <chr>                    <int>              <int>
##  1 1                   1997JJ00                   420                 43
##  2 1                   1998JJ00                   518                 40
##  3 1                   1999JJ00                   568                 39
##  4 1                   2000JJ00                   461                 27
##  5 1                   2001JJ00                   408                 30
##  6 1                   2002JJ00                   354                 17
##  7 1                   2003JJ00                   359                 17
##  8 1                   2004JJ00                   436                 14
##  9 1                   2005JJ00                   359                 12
## 10 1                   2006JJ00                   365                 11
## # ℹ 95 more rows

add label columns:

apples |> 
  cbs_add_label_columns() |> 
## # A tibble: 105 × 4
##    FruitFarmingRegions FruitFarmingRegions_label Periods  Periods_label
##    <chr>               <fct>                     <chr>    <fct>        
##  1 1                   Total Netherlands         1997JJ00 1997         
##  2 1                   Total Netherlands         1998JJ00 1998         
##  3 1                   Total Netherlands         1999JJ00 1999         
##  4 1                   Total Netherlands         2000JJ00 2000         
##  5 1                   Total Netherlands         2001JJ00 2001         
##  6 1                   Total Netherlands         2002JJ00 2002         
##  7 1                   Total Netherlands         2003JJ00 2003         
##  8 1                   Total Netherlands         2004JJ00 2004         
##  9 1                   Total Netherlands         2005JJ00 2005         
## 10 1                   Total Netherlands         2006JJ00 2006         
## # ℹ 95 more rows

For more information, see vignette("cbsodataR")

Python user? Use cbsodata.