
Easily stream and download audio from YouTube.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easily stream and download audio from YouTube.

Build Status

JavaScript Style Guide


npm install -g youtube-audio-server


npm install --save youtube-audio-server

Search and metadata

IMPORTANT: To be able to search and get video metadata you need to start the app passing your Google App KEY.

Your Google App needs to have the YouTube API enabled.

Login at https://console.cloud.google.com to get this data.

To support this features, YAS should be started like this:


If you use YAS programmatically you need to ensure the KEY environment var is set.

Command line usage


Start YAS with yas.

Audio stream

Just hit the server passing a YouTube video id, like:


For example:


This will stream the requested video's audio.

You can play it on an HTML5 audio tag or however you like.

Get metadata

Use: http://yourServerAddress:port/get/[videoId]


Use: http://yourServerAddress:port/search/[query]/[[pageToken]]

To navigate pages you need to use pageToken which is provided in the results on the root level property nextPageToken.

Change port:

Default is 80.

You can easily change it by starting YAS like:

PORT=8080 yas

Download audio

YAS can also be used to easliy download audio.

In this mode, the server is not started.


yas --id [youtube-video-id] [--file [./sample.mp3]]


yas --id 2zYDMN4h2hY --file ~/Downloads/Music/sample.mp3
yas --id 2zYDMN4h2hY


FILE defaults to ./youtube-audio.mp3 when not set.

Alternative method:

If you have a server instance running and you want to use it to download audio, you can do this:

curl [your-server-url]/[youtube-video-id] > sample.mp3

Programatic usage

Yeah, you can also include YAS in your project and use it programatically!


const yas = require('youtube-audio-server')

// Start listener (REST API).
const port = 7331
yas.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Listening on port http://localhost:${port}.`)

Download audio

const yas = require('youtube-audio-server')

const id = 'HQmmM_qwG4k' // "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin.
const file = 'whole-lotta-love.mp3'
console.log(`Downloading ${id} into ${file}...`)
  .onSuccess(({id, file}) => {
    console.log(`Yay! Audio (${id}) downloaded successfully into "${file}"!`)
  .onError(({id, file, error}) => {
    console.error(`Sorry, an error ocurred when trying to download ${id}`, error)
  .download({id, file})

Get video metadata

const yas = require('youtube-audio-server')

yas.get('HQmmM_qwG4k', (err, data) => {
  console.log('GOT METADATA for HQmmM_qwG4k:', data || err)


const yas = require('youtube-audio-server')

  query: 'led zeppelin',
  page: null
(err, data) => {
  console.log('RESULTS:', data || err)

To navigate pages you need to use pageToken which is provided in the results on the root level property data.nextPageToken.


The key dependency for youtube-audio-server is youtube-audio-stream, which depends on ffmpeg, which must be installed at system level, it's not a node dependency!

Install ffmpeg on OSX

brew install ffmpeg

Install ffmpeg on Debian Linux

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg


Just open the URL of your server instance without specifing a video id.

This will load a test page with an HTML5 audio element that will stream a test video id.

Run npm test to lint everything using StandardJS.

To start the listener and download an audio file use npm run test-run.

You can open the shown URL to test the REST API works as expected.

You can also use npm run test-focus to concentrate on one linting issue at a time with the help of standard-focus.
