IEEE Slack Member Webscraper

This repository contains Python scripts that automate Slack member management by scraping email queries from the Cal Directory The resulting .csv file will contain emails of people who no longer attend Berkeley, meaning these emails can be deleted from the Slack. Written and maintained by the Technical Operations committee of IEEE@berkeley.

System Requirements

I recommend using a virtual environment to run these scripts. More information can be found at:

Python Version

Python 3.9.1

Necessary Packages

pandas, time, requests, sys, bs4

This script is meant for merging emails from different .csv files together. It can be used to get rid of duplicate emails and outputs a .csv file with all unique emails from the .csv files provided as input.

Usage: python3 filename_1 colname_1 filename_2 colname_2 ...

filename_x: the xth .csv file to merge
colname_x: the name of the column that contains email addresses for the xth .csv file

Output: Result will be put in all_emails.csv after script completes

This script is meant for the actual webscraping. It scrapes email queries from the Cal Directory, keeping track of whether the email was present in the directory or not. In order to avoid getting a 403 forbidden error for requesting too quickly, the script waits 5 seconds between each query. So, leave it on in the background while you do something else.

Usage: Usage: python3 filename colname

filename: the name of the .csv file containing the emails to scrape
colname: the name of the column that contains email addresses for the .csv file

Output: Result will be put in graduated_members.csv after script completes