A todo list iOS application with SQL database for persistent storage.
Build with Xcode 10 / Swift 4.2
These third-party functions are used:
To build Todo-List, you need a few a few standard iOS Development Tools:
- Xcode - Apple's suite of iOS and OS X development tools.
- CocoaPods - The dependency manager for Cocoa projects. Available by executing
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
in your terminal.
Note: Make sure to use CocoaPods >= 1.0.0.
Once you have installed the prerequisites, you can proceed with cloning and configuring the project by executing the following commands in your terminal:
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/edwinruan/Todo-List
$ cd Todo-List
These commands will clone Todo-List from Github and then install all library dependencies via CocoaPods. Once these steps have completed without error, you can open the workspace by executing:
$ open "simpleTodoList.xcworkspace"
The project is organized as detailed as below:
- TodoDBManager:
represents the Data Base (DB) manager class to create a DB instance, start DB connection and insert/delete/update, etc. - TodoDataHelper:
supports basic DB functionality, such as create a table, insert an item, delete an item, update an item and select all items.
- TodoDataModel: represent the todo data model, includes todoObject id, name, created date.
- TodoListVC: the todo list view controller and displays list of todo items.
- TodoDetailVC: represents the todo detail view controller and handles add/update a todo item
- TodoAppHelper:
provides helper class methods in this app - TodoDateFormatter:
represents custom DateFormatter class to convert among Date, millisecond epoch, and Date String with different formats.
Create a Table:
import SQLite
let dataStore = TodoDBManager.sharedInstance
do {
try dataStore.createTables()
} catch _ {
Query all items:
do {
try TodoDBManager.sharedInstance.findAll()
} catch {
if let error = error as? DataAccessError {
Insert an item:
do {
let index = try TodoDBManager.sharedInstance.insert(item: object)
} catch {
if let error = error as? DataAccessError {
Update an item:
do {
let index = try TodoDBManager.sharedInstance.update(item: object)
} catch {
if let error = error as? DataAccessError {
Delete an item:
do {
try TodoDBManager.sharedInstance.delete(item: object)
} catch {
if let error = error as? DataAccessError {
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system