
Collection of android architectural component or toolkits for kickstarting native android codebases.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Collection of android libraries or architecture components to kickstart android codebases.

How to import

As of now, amaterasu libraries are published via Github Package Registry and as such, it needs authentication.

  1. Generate github personal token with read:packages permission. Just go to account -> settings -> developer settings -> personal access token -> generate.
  2. Create a properties file, place it in your project's root folder, and add it to .gitignore. e.g github.properties
  3. Inside build.gradle properties.
def githubProperties = new Properties() githubProperties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file("github.properties")))
repositories {
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/edwnmrtnz/amaterasu")
        credentials {
            username = githubProperties['gpr.usr'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_USER")
            password = githubProperties['gpr.key'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_API_KEY")
  1. Import it as dependency
dependencies {
    implementation ‘com.github.amaterasu.androidutils:{version}’

Note: I'm only trying github package registry now. The setup is too verbose for public library but I think this process will change in the future.