An open source POS written on rails. Hopefully, it can support real world scenario.
- Tested on Ruby
- Rails
Run bin/setup
Instead of db:rollback && db:migrate
Run bin/update
This command will drop your database and recreates it. Your data will be purged.
bundle exec rspec
bundle exec guard
The API references is available on POSko API Docs.
You can contribute by documenting our API here.
It will follow after the release of version 1. I plan to utilize the power of Electron
Contributions/Suggestions are very welcome. Check it out here
- User
- Products
- Variants
- Composite
- Product Components
Check the diagram for more info.
- Roles (Ability later)
- Pundit
- Collections
- Orders
- OrderLines
- Fullfillments
- Payments
- Customers
- Cart(ecommerce later)
- Addresses
- Contacts
- Reports(later)
- Blog(not yet sure)
- API with Documentation
- Breadcrumbs
- Branches