Arduino project to control the a level sensor and study the properties of a liquid dischargin from a container. The project uses the ultrasound sensor HY-SRF05, the temperature sensor LM-35, and the Arduino Nano Module. The LM-35 reads temperature to calculate accurrately the velocity of sound. With this, the HY-SRF05 calculates the travel time of an ultrasound wave reflecting from the liquid while discharging.
Physics Subjects Involved.
- Bernoulli's Principle
- Discharge Speed
- Speed of Sound
- Vena Contracta
- Discharge Coefficient
We used an original Mathematica script to read and plot in real time the Arduino data recollected from the sensors. In the slides.pdf attatched document you can find a more detailed description of the project, and the analysis of our results (this analysis is also found on the AnalysisReulsts.nb Mathematic netebook.).