
Arduino project to control the a level sensor and study the properties of a liquid dischargin from a container.

Primary LanguageMathematica


Arduino project to control the a level sensor and study the properties of a liquid dischargin from a container. The project uses the ultrasound sensor HY-SRF05, the temperature sensor LM-35, and the Arduino Nano Module. The LM-35 reads temperature to calculate accurrately the velocity of sound. With this, the HY-SRF05 calculates the travel time of an ultrasound wave reflecting from the liquid while discharging.

Physics Subjects Involved.

  1. Bernoulli's Principle
  2. Discharge Speed
  3. Speed of Sound
  4. Vena Contracta
  5. Discharge Coefficient

We used an original Mathematica script to read and plot in real time the Arduino data recollected from the sensors. In the slides.pdf attatched document you can find a more detailed description of the project, and the analysis of our results (this analysis is also found on the AnalysisReulsts.nb Mathematic netebook.).