
This is an app created with rails where you can create, edit and delete transactions for yourself and see other transactions from a family member. It uses AWS3 bucket as a repository for images.

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on rails Capstone: Edx Wallet

Live Demo

Live demo

Ruby on Rails Capstone for Microverse, the design is responsive to be used on mobile or desktop.

Features in this app:

  • User can register with only username and an avatar picture (no password need).
  • Only username is need to log in.
  • Once sign in it will show: my expenses, my income, categories and members expenses.


My expenses sorted by most recent

  • Details of expenses; group icon & name, date, description, amount by current user.
  • Display total amount of expenses and income
  • User can go to income details
  • User can add a new expense
  • User can edit each transaction
  • User can delete a transaction

My income sorted by most recent

  • Details of income; group icon, date, description, amount by current user.
  • Display total amount of expenses and income
  • User can go to expenses details
  • User can edit each transaction
  • User can delete a transaction

Categories sorted by alphabetical order

  • All categories created display on screen
  • Each category has: icon, name of category
  • User can edit name and icon
  • User can delete category
  • When user clic on each category it will show all transactions associated to it

How to run this project

  • Install Ruby.
  • Install Ruby on Rails.
  • Install bundle.
  • Run "bundle install" inside the folder.
  • Run "yarn check files"
  • Run "db:create"
  • Run "rails db:migrate"
  • Run "rails db:seed"
  • Run "rails server" inside folder.
  • Go to

Test-driven development RSPEC

The code includes unit testing using RSpec. To start the test run the next line in your terminal:

rspec spec --format documentation


👤 Eduardo Baeza


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Start by:

Forking the project. Cloning the project to your local machine. cd into the project directory. Run git checkout -b your-branch-name. Make your contributions. Push your branch up to your forked repository. Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review.