
Docker image files for ETESync server

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

EteSync Sever Docker Images

Build and Push Base Tags Build and Push Slim Tags Build and Push Alpine Tags

Docker image for EteSync based on the server repository by Tom Hacohen.


The following tags are built on latest python image and master branch of EteSync Server

Starting on v0.3.0 ther will be builds base stable published version of EteSync

  • 0.3.0
  • 0.3.0-slim
  • 0.3.0-alpine


docker run -d -e SUPER_USER=admin -p 80:3735 -v /path/on/host:/data victorrds/etesync

Create a container running EteSync using http protocol.


/data: database file location


This image exposes the 3735 TCP Port

Settings and Customization

Custom settings can be added to /etesync/etesync_site_settings.py, this file overrides the default settings.py, mostly for Django: The Web framework options, this image also uses the some environment variables to set some of these options.

Environment Variables

  • SERVER: Defines how the container will serve the application, the options are:
    • http Runs using HTTP protocol, this is the default mode.
    • https same as above but with TLS/SSL support, see below how to use with your own certificates.
    • uwsgi start using uWSGI native protocol, for reverse-proxies/load balances, such as nginx, that support this protocol
    • http-socket Similar to the first option, but without uWSGI HTTP router/proxy/load-balancer, this recommended for any reverse-proxies/load balances, that support HTTP protocol, like traefik
    • django-server this mode uses the embedded django http server, ./manage.py runserver :3735, this is not recommeded but can be useful for debugging
  • PUID and PGID: set user and group when running using uwsgi, default: 1000;
  • ETESYNC_DB_PATH: Location of the EteSync SQLite database. default: /data volume;
  • AUTO_MIGRATE: Trigger database update/migration every time the container starts, default: false , more details below.
  • SECRET_FILE: Defines file that contains the value for django's SECRET_KEY if not found a new one is generated. default: /etesync/secret.txt.
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: the ALLOWED_HOSTS settings, must be valid domains separated by ,. default: * (not recommended for production);
  • LANGUAGE_CODE: Django language code, default: en-us;
  • USE_TZ: Force Django to use time-zone-aware datetime objects internally, defaults to false;
  • TIME_ZONE: time zone, defaults to UTC;
  • DEBUG: enables Django Debug mode, not recommended for production defaults to False;

How to create a Superuser

Method 1 Environment Variables on first run.

If these variables are set on the first run it will trigger the creation of a superuser after the database is ready.

  • SUPER_USER: Username of the django superuser (only used if no previous database is found);
    • SUPER_PASS: Password of the django superuser (optional, one will be generated if not found);
    • SUPER_EMAIL: Email of the django superuser (optional);

Method 2 Python Shell

At any moment after the database is ready, you can create a new superuser by running and following the prompts:

docker exec -it {container_name} python manage.py createsuperuser

Upgrade application and database

If AUTO_MIGRATE is not set you can update by running:

docker exec -it {container_name} python manage.py migrate

Using uWSGI with HTTPS

If you want to run EteSync Server HTTPS using uWSGI you need to pass certificates or the image will generate a self-signed certificate for localhost.

By default EteSync will look for the files /certs/crt.pem and /certs/key.pem, if for some reason you change this location change the X509_CRT and X509_KEY environment variables

Serving Static Files

When behind a reverse-proxy/http server compatible uwsgi protocol the static files are located at /var/www/etesync/static, files will be copied if missing on start.