
runsc loads 32/64 bit shellcode (depending on how runsc is compiled) in a way that makes it easy to load in a debugger. This code is based on the code from https://github.com/Kdr0x/Kd_Shellcode_Loader by Gary "kd" Contreras.

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This code is based on the code from https://github.com/Kdr0x/Kd_Shellcode_Loader by Gary "kd" Contreras and contains additional functionality. This source file can be compiled for either 32 or 64-bit.

Usage: runsc -f <shellcode file> [-o <offset>] [-d <document file>] [-n]

-h: Display this help text.

-f: REQUIRED. The name of the file in which shellcode resides.

-o: OPTIONAL: The offset at which the shellcode begins (default is 0). The offset may be entered using decimal numbers or hex (prefixed by 0x).

-d: OPTIONAL: The name of a document file that shellcode may need to be loaded in memory. Some shellcode looks for the next malware stage in the document in which it is embedded.

-n: OPTIONAL: The default behavior is to run the shellcode as a suspended thread to give you time to attach to this process with a debugger. If you just want to run the shellcode and monitor it using behavior analysis tools, specify this option.

Run this program from the command line, after which you will need to attach to it using the debugger (if -n is not specified). The address of the shellcode will be printed on the screen. Set a breakpoint on this address in the debugger.