- Clone or download this repository
- Enter your local directory, and install dependencies:
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
node server.js
├── app # 主目录
│ ├── assets # 资源目录
│ │ ├── css # css
│ │ └── img # 图片目录
│ ├── components # 自定义组件目录
│ └── pages # 页面目录
│ └── user # 业务模块目录
│ ├── index # index 页面
│ │ ├── app.js # 入口js
│ │ ├── app.html # html模板
│ │ └── app.vue # index 页面组件
│ └── login # login 页面
│ ├── app.js # 入口js
│ ├── app.html # html模板
│ └── app.vue # login 页面组件
├── dist # npm run build生成的目录
├── node_modules # dependencies
├── .babelrc # babel文件
├── server.js # 用于查看npm run build的server.js,端口2333
├── webpack.config.js # webpack配置目录
├── node_modules # dependencies
└── package.json # package info