Materials used in the course Spatial Statistics with R, held Mar 11-15, 2024, and again on Nov 11-15, 2024, online.
- Introduction to spatial data, support, coordinate reference systems
- Introduction to spatial statistical data types: point patterns, geostatistical data, lattice data
- Is spatial dependence a fact? And is it a curse, or a blessing?
- Spatial sampling, design-based and model-based inference
- Intro to point patterns and point processes, observation window, first and second order properties
- Point patterns, density functions
- Interactions of point processes
- Simulating point process
- Modelling density as a function of external variables
- MaxEnt
- Stationarity of mean, stationarity of covariance
- Estimating spatial covariance and semivariance
- Modelling the variogram
- Kriging interpolation
- Conditional simulation
- Data: coverages as predictors
- Pitfalls: independence, known predictors, clustered data
- Model assessment, cross validation strategies
- Analysing lattice data: neighbours, weights, models
- What is big?
- Large vector datasets
- Large raster datasets, image collections and data cubes
- Cloud solutions, cloud platforms, platform lock-in
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