== Python development: ==
Local.. with text files and a local editor.. 
Python is on the stick and on Mac OS/X by default

== Cloud Development: ==
Something to try.. Coding in the cloud.

Editor -> Cloud9 -> 

Functionalities ->

Link to Python repro: https://c9.io/edzob/python_head_first_class

== Github ==
Cloud9 has it's local place to save files.
But you can also save files into github for extra location/backup
and that other developers can access it via github.

Backend file storage: https://github.com/edzob/python_head_first_class

Challenge.. Edzo does not have that much experience :)

- Good Manual:
http://charless.org/?p=283 (install cloud9, github, config)
- Some help from Cloud9 How to link a workspace to a GitHub Repro

Add files and commit them:
git add . 

git commit -m "First commit"

Push to github: 
git push -u origin master

git add . ; git commit -m "First commit"