The services are accessed via an http GET request. All navigation output is generated as GeoJSON ("application/vnd.geo+json")
Both a test and a production are exposed to the public: is the test root. is the production root. This endpoint will give you the valid dataSource names for the other endpoints. There is also a health check at /about/health and version information at /about/info.
/{featureSource}/{featureSourceId}/navigate/{navigationMode} where:
- {featureSource} identifies the source used to start navigation:
- comid start the navigation from an NHDPlus comid
- any of the network linked feature sources (listed at /)
- {featureSourceId} the NHDPlus comid or feature from which to start the navigation
- {navigationMode} is the direction and type of navigation:
- DD is __D__ownstream navigation with __D__iversions
- DM is __D__ownstream navigation on the __M__ain channel
- PP is __P__oint to __P__oint navigation (the stopComid query parameter is required and must be downstream of the {comid})
- UM is __U__pstream navigation on the __M__ain channel
- UT is __U__pstream navigation including all __T__ributaries
/{featureSource}/{featureSourceId}/navigate/{navigationMode}/{dataSource} where:
- {featureSource} identifies the source used to start navigation (same values as for Flow Lines)
- {featureSourceId} the NHDPlus comid or other feature from which to start the navigation
- {navigationMode} is the direction and type of navigation (same values as for Flow Lines)
- {dataSource} is the abbreviation of the data source from which events should be shown
Both endpoints accept the same query parameters to further refine/restrict the navigation being requested
- distance={dist} limit the navigation to {dist} kilometers from the starting point
- stopComid={stopid} for use with PP navigation between the {featureSourceId} and {stopid}
- (only applicable to NHDPlus comid navigation and the {stopid} must be downstream of the {featureSourceId})
This is a Spring Batch/Boot project. All of the normal caveats relating to a Spring Batch/Boot application apply. In general, do not run this project via Docker locally, since it places everything under root ownership. Rather, start up the demo db and create an application.yml file as described below, then run the project from your IDE.
This application utilizes a PostgreSQL database. nldi-db contains everything you need to set up a development database environment. It includes data for the Yahara River in Wisconsin.
See the nldi-db project for more details, but in short:
docker network create --subnet= nldi
docker run -it --env-file ./.env -p usgswma/nldi-db:demo
Note the 5437 port mapping, which is used in the environmental variables below.
To run the project (connecting to a separately running db instance) you will need to create the file application.yml in the project's root directory and add the following (normal defaults are filled in):
nldiDbHost: localhost
nldiDbPort: 5437 #Or whatever port you map it to
nldiDbUsername: [dbUserName] #See nldi-db project .env file 'NLDI_READ_ONLY_USERNAME'
nldiDbPassword: [dbPassword] #See nldi-db project .env file 'NLDI_READ_ONLY_PASSWORD'
nldiDbName: [dbName] #See nldi-db project .env file 'NLDI_DATABASE_NAME'
nldiProtocol: http
nldiPath: /test-url
serverContextPath: /nldi
springFrameworkLogLevel: INFO
serverPort: 8080 changeMe
This project contains JUnit tests. Maven can be used to run them (in addition to the capabilities of your IDE).
To run the unit tests of the application use:
mvn package
To additionally start up a Docker database and run the integration tests of the application use: