
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Dataset Information



  • Multimodals scans available as NIfTI files (.nii.gz)

  • Four channels of information:


    Post-contrast T1-weighted (T1CE)

    T2-weighted (T2)

    T2 Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) volumes

  • All the imaging datasets have been segmented manualy and were approved by experienced neuro-rediologists.

  • Annotatios (labels):

    Label 0: Unabeled volume

    Label 1: Necrotic and non-enhancing tumor core (NCR/NET)

    Label 2: Peritumora edema (ED)

    Label 3: Missing (No pixels i all the volumes contain label 3)

    Label 4: GD-enhancing tumor (ET)

Our Approach

Step 1: Get the data reday.

  • Download the dataset and unzip it.

  • Segmented file name in Folder 355 has a weird name. Rename it to match others.

  • Install nibabel library to handle nii files (https://pypi.org/project/nibabel/)

  • Scale all volumes (using MinMaxScaler).

  • Combine the three non-native volumes (T2, T1CE and Flair) into a single multi-channel volume.

  • Reassign pixels of value 4 to value 3 (as 3 is missing from original labels).

  • Crop volumnes to remove useless blank regions around the actual volume of interest (Crop to 128x128x128).

  • Drop all the volumes where the amount of annotated data is less that certain percentage. (To maximize training on real labeled vo0lumes).

  • Save all useful volumes to the local drive as numpy arrays (npy).

  • Split image and mask volumes into train and validation datasets.

Step 2: Define custom data generator.

  • Keras image data generator only works with jpg, png, and tif images. It will not recognize np files. We need to define a custom generator to load our data from the disk.

Step 3: Define the 3D U-net model.

  • Extend the standard 2D U-net into 3D OR.

  • Copy the code from online OR.

  • Use 3D segmentation models library.

Step 4: Train and Predict.

  • Train by loading images in batches using our custom generator.