

Primary LanguageJavaScript

project Pensieve Dev


no Limitation by Any force

this is a web application project initiated & own by Chou Po Lin since May. 2018, modified and rewrote from an earlier version, dev_Corner, which was also owned by the same owner since Dec. 2017.


LTS on 2021/02/02, ver Theme


Only at branch other than master.

Ref doc: React for production


please place it at a folder you have auth to write and edit

  • node 12.x.x
  • npm 6.14.6
  • MySQL 14.14 Distrib 5.7.31


Only at the first time: establishing basic folders needed

npm run setup
#or if on Windows:
npm run setupWin
npm install
npm install --dev

/bcrypt: check doc if face error come from this module, uninstall and install again if needed


modify necessary info:

  • database connection: modify beneath item to fit your database

    1. "host"
    2. "user" with all privilege
    3. "password"
  • rootPath: path to your project(absolute path was better)

  • jwt secret: use default one or import yours

  • others: token to your services & path fit your choice

    on Windows: log file path to absolute path if needed.

Then using ORM migrate database :

npm run migrate


build app by browserify

NODE_ENV="development" npm run build

build server(dev) by webpack

NODE_ENV="development" npm run build:dev-server

final, start the server

NODE_ENV="development" npm run start

there ia a default account as below:


or add account you prefer to database manually.

Welcome to the project. Give any feedback in community.



  • master: the current Lite version(stable) running on the server
  • develop: the main trunk of the whole project(ahead to master quite long)
  • release: a 'temp' branch emerge when we need to 'cut' and 'deploy' a new version. Merge to the master in the end, not to the develope.
  • [feature]: a 'temp' branch emerge during development. Merge to the develope in the end, not to the master.



  1. merge branch release to master directly.
  2. Cut and modify for conflict.
  3. Upload seeds if any:
  • from Windows:

    Set-SCPFile -ComputerName '(domainName in string)' -Credential $ (username as declaim var) -KeyFile .ssh\id_rsa -Port (port used) -RemotePath '(path to save at remote in string)' -LocalFile '(file path at local in string)'

  • db: seed

  1. set 'export NODE_ENV=production'
  2. db: migrate if needed
  3. run build.
  4. run build:server.
  5. run start.