
Elastic Observability Documentation



The home of Elastic Observability documentation.


Within this repo, the /docs/en/ directory is structured as follows:

Directory Description
integrations Contains the source files for the Integrations Developer Guide.
observability Contains the source files for the Observability Guide, which includes content for APM, Logs, Metrics, Synthetics, User experience, and Uptime.
serverless Contains the source files for the Elastic Observability Serverless docs.
shared Contains the source files for shared Observability content.
templates Contains content templates.


If you find any bugs in our documentation, or want to request an enhancement, then you can open an issue using our template. We also welcome contributions in the form of PRs. Before you submit a PR, make sure that you have signed our Contributor License Agreement.

Contributing directly to the docs works differently across the doc sets in this repo.

Observability Guide

The source files for the Observability Guide are written in AsciiDoc and are built using elastic/docs.

To build the docs locally:

  1. Check out the elastic/docs repository, along with any repositories that contain source files.
  2. Run the build_docs script, passing in the path to the index.asciidoc and resource paths to other repos that contain source files. For example, to build the Observability Guide and open it in the browser, run:
    ../docs/build_docs --doc ./docs/en/observability/index.asciidoc --chunk 3 --resource ../apm-server --resource ../ingest-docs/docs --open

The above command assumes that this repo, elastic/docs, elastic/ingest-docs, and elastic/apm-server are checked out into the same parent directory.

If you prefer to use aliases, you can load the elastic/docs/doc_build_aliases.sh file, which has the resources defined for you.

Elastic Observability Serverless docs

The Elastic Observability Serverless docs use a custom syntax written in MDX. In many cases, you only need to know plain Markdown to contribute. We'll add a public component reference and additional contribution guidelines in future. Elasticians can refer to our internal syntax reference.

Integrations Developer Guide

The source files for the Integrations Developer Guide are written in AsciiDoc and are built using elastic/docs.

To build the docs locally:

  1. Check out the elastic/docs repository, along with any repositories that contain source files.
  2. Run the build_docs script, passing in the path to the index.asciidoc and resource paths to other repos that contain source files. For example, to build the Observability Guide and open it in the browser, run:
    ../docs/build_docs --doc ./docs/en/integrations/index.asciidoc --resource=../package-spec/versions --chunk 1 --open

The above command assumes that this repo, elastic/docs, and elastic/package-spec, are checked out into the same parent directory.

If you prefer to use aliases, you can load the elastic/docs/doc_build_aliases.sh file, which has the resources defined for you.


Backporting works differently across the doc sets in this repo.

Observability Guide

Pull requests should be tagged with the target version of the Elastic Stack along with any relevant backport labels. In general, we only backport documentation changes to live stack versions. For manual backports, we recommend using the backport tool to easily open backport PRs. If you need help, ping @obs-docs and we'd be happy to handle the backport process for you.

Elastic Observability Serverless docs

Serverless docs are not versioned, and should never be backported. All changes should be made to the main branch. If you're backporting Serverless and Stateful content in the same PR, an automation will run that deletes the docs/en/serverless dir from your PR.

Integrations Developer Guide

The Integrations Developer Guide is not versioned, and should never be backported. All changes should be made to the main branch.


All documentation pull requests automatically add the @obs-docs team as a reviewer.


Shield: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.