Capstone Project for the Platzi-Airflow-Course

Install Airflow

You need Docker in order to to this

curl -LfO ''
mkdir -p ./dags ./logs ./plugins
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
docker-compose up airflow-ini- [Capstone Project for the Platzi-Airflow-Course](#capstone-project-for-the-platzi-airflow-course)
  - [Install Airflow](#install-airflow)
  - [Project Statement](#project-statement)
  - [DAGs](#dags)
    - [](#proyectopy)
    - [](#notificationspy)
  - [Final Structure](#final-structure)
  - [Tasks' explanation.](#tasks-explanation)
docker-compose up

If you don't want to see the examples, you'll set up AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES to false.

Project Statement

The project is to create a data pipeline that will allow us to download data from a satelite and from spacex only if we receive an authorization from the NASA.

You can read more about it here.


This DAG will orchestrate all the project.

This DAG will send a notification to the user if the process finished.

Final Structure


Tasks' explanation.

  1. creating_file: This task creates a file that will receive the authorization or not.
  2. receiving_authorization: A File Sensor that waits until the authorization is created.
  3. reading_authorization: If we receive the value authorized we will download the data, otherwise we finished our pipeline.
  4. obtain_data_from_satelite: obtain data from a python script.
  5. look_data_from_satelite: shows some data from the previous task.
  6. obtain_data_from_spacex: download data from spacex using a Bash Operator.
  7. notification: sends a notification to the team
  8. unauthorized: If we don't receive the value authorized, we will use this task to a send a message to our team.