Final Project for the Data Engineering Zoomcamp hosted by DataTalksClub.


First at all, I'll work with a batch pipeline (the data will be updated day by day). I was looking for some climate data and I've chosen this one.


  • Python
  • GCP (Google Cloud Plattform) /PostgreSQL
  • Prefect
  • DBT
  • Power BI
  • Terraform

I've used all my GCP credits, so I decided to work using a local enviroment. Go to Local.


What is Terraform?

  • Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp. Users define and provide data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language, or optionally JSON.

Create a project in GCP

  • Create a project in GCP
  • I will called it dtc-de
  • Go to IAM and create a service account (assign the viewer role)
  • Create a key for the account service

Install Google Cloud SDK

Follow the instructions from here

Make sure that all is working well using the command

gcloud -v

Add Rol to your service account

  • Storage Admin
  • Storage Object Admin
  • Big Query Admin

Look for API's and enable IAM Service Account Credentials API

Refresh service-account's auth-token for this season

gcloud auth application-default login

Creating GCP Infrastucture with Terraform

Watch more here

Initialize state file (.tfstate)

terraform init

Check changes to new infra plan

terraform plan -var="project="

Terraform files

  terraform {
    required_version = ">= 1.0"
    backend "local" {}  # Can change from "local" to "gcs" (for google) or "s3" (for aws), if you would like to preserve your tf-state online
    required_providers {
      google = {
        source  = "hashicorp/google"

We have to specified the required_version. Backend "local" means that we'll save our configuration in a tf-state file in our local computer.

We define a provider here:

  provider "google" {
    project = var.project
    region  = var.region
    zone    =

And then a resource, in this case we'll use a storage bucket

  resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket" {
    name          = "dtc-de-bucket"
    location      = var.region
    storage_class = "REGIONAL"
    force_destroy = true

This file contains all the variables that we'll use in our file

  variable "project" {
    type        = string
    description = "The GCP project to use for integration tests"
  variable "region" {
    type        = string
    description = "The GCP region to use for integration tests"
    default     = "us-central1"
  variable "zone" {
    type        = string
    description = "The GCP zone to use for integration tests"
    default     = "us-central1-a"

Overview of terraform commands

  • terraform init
  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply
  • terraform destroy

Terraform commands

Initialize state file (.tfstate)

terraform init

Check changes to new infra plan

terraform plan -var="project=<your-gcp-project-id>"

Apply changes to new infra

terraform apply -var="project=<your-gcp-project-id>"

Destroy changes to new infra

terraform destroy -var="project=<your-gcp-project-id>"

Problem Description

I've took some climate data from Jena-Germany and analize some changes through the years (2009-2016). I would say that this data is easy to handle, but it will be ok for the project.

Run the project

Create a virtual enviroment

conda create -n venv python=3.9

Activate the enviroment

conda activate venv

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run docker-compose file

docker-compose up -d

Run python script in order to ingest the data

python src/

Run dbt

dbt build

Run dbt tests

dbt tests

Then you will be able to see the data going to localhost:8080 (pgadmin) and the view that we have created with dbt.



Insertion through docker.

I'll create a script that upload the data in postgres (this postgres db will be created using docker)


Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

More info

Docker-compose file


In this docker-compose file we have two images, one of them is for postgres and the other is for pgadmin.

In order to have these images, you need to install them.

Install postgres

docker pull postgres

Install pgadmin

docker pull dpage/pgadmin4

Make sure that you have both of them

docker images

Run docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

Check if the containers are running

docker ps

Stop docker-compose

docker-compose down


This dockerfile will upload the data directly from url to postgres (using docker-compose file to create postgres db).

Build image

docker build -t climate_ingest:v001 .

Run the image

docker run climate_ingest:v001 `
      --user=root `
      --password=root `
      --host=pgdatabase `
      --port=5432 `
      --db=climate_data `
      --table_name=jena_climate `

Directly using python

python src/ `
      --user=root `
      --password=root `
      --host=localhost `
      --port=5432 `
      --db=climate_data `
      --table_name=jena_climate `

Now we have the data inside the db.



I'll use prefect==2.7.7

Install prefect

pip install prefect==2.7.7

Python script

In order to use prefect. I'll create a script called


Basically, in this script I have created some flows and tasks in order to transform the data and ingest it to postgres (docker-compose file).

Run the script

python src/


Prefect UI

Start the UI

prefect orion start

Create an sql alchemy block

Import the connector

from prefect_sqlalchemy import SqlAlchemyConnector

Now follow these steps:

  • Select a block name
  • Select SyncDriver and choose postgresql + psycopg2
  • Put the db name
  • Insert the username, password, host and the port.

Call the block in the code:

@task(log_prints = True, retries = 3)
def load_data(table_name, df):
    connection_block = SqlAlchemyConnector.load("data-engineering-camp-postgres-connector")
    with connection_block.get_connection(begin = False) as engine:
        df.head(n=0).to_sql(name=table_name, con=engine, if_exists='replace')
        df.to_sql(name=table_name, con=engine, if_exists='append')

Run the script again

python src/


Build a deployment

prefect deployment build ./src/ -n "Ingest Data ETL"

Apply the deployment

prefect deployment apply main_flow-deployment.yaml

Start an agent using default Work Queue

prefect agent start -q 'default'

Go to the UI and click "Quick Run" to your deployment, after that you can start the agent. Your workflow should run.


You can schedule this deployment. For instance, you can use cronjobs or intervals.

Data Warehousing

Clustering and partitioning the data

In this case our data which is defined as jena climate could be partitioned by date. We don't have another categorical variable for clustering.

Create a partitioned table in postgres

CREATE TABLE jena_climate_partitioned (
    index bigint,
    date_time date,
    "p (mbar)" float,
    "T (degC)" float,
    "Tpot (K)" float,
    "Tdew (degC)" float,
    "rh (%)" float,
    "VPmax (mbar)" float,
    "VPact (mbar)" float,
    "VPdef (mbar)" float,
    "sh (g/kg)" float,
    "H2OC (mmol/mol)" float,
    "rho (g/m**3)" float,
    "wv (m/s)" float,
    "max. wv (m/s)" float,
    "wd (deg)" float
) PARTITION BY RANGE (date_time);

Next, you can create the partitions themselves using the CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION OF statement. This statement creates a new child table that is a partition of the parent partitioned table.

CREATE TABLE jena_climate_partitioned_2009_2016
PARTITION OF jena_climate_partitioned
FOR VALUES FROM ('2009-01-01') TO ('2016-12-31');

Insert the data there

INSERT INTO jena_climate_partitioned
SELECT * FROM jena_climate;

Create a new flow to create the partitioned table

@task(log_prints = True, retries = 3)
def create_partitioned_table(table_name):
    connection_block = SqlAlchemyConnector.load("data-engineering-camp-postgres-connector")
    with connection_block.get_connection(begin = False) as engine:
        engine.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} ("
                       "index bigint,"
                       "date_time date,"
                       "\"p (mbar)\" float,"
                       "\"T (degC)\" float,"
                       "\"Tpot (K)\" float,"
                       "\"Tdew (degC)\" float,"
                       "\"rh (%)\" float,"
                       "\"VPmax (mbar)\" float,"
                       "\"VPact (mbar)\" float,"
                       "\"VPdef (mbar)\" float,"
                       "\"sh (g/kg)\" float,"
                       "\"H2OC (mmol/mol)\" float,"
                       "\"rho (g/m**3)\" float,"
                       "\"wv (m/s)\" float,"
                       "\"max. wv (m/s)\" float,"
                       "\"wd (deg)\" float"
                       ") PARTITION BY RANGE (date_time);")
    ## Create child partitioned table
    with connection_block.get_connection(begin = False) as engine:
        engine.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table_name}_2009_2016 "
                       f"PARTITION OF {table_name} "
                       "FOR VALUES FROM ('2009-01-01') TO ('2016-12-31');")
    ## Insert the data from original table to the partitioned data
    with connection_block.get_connection(begin = False) as engine:
        engine.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} "
                       f"SELECT * FROM jena_climate;")


Install DBT

pip install dbt-postgres==1.4.6

Create a dbt project called climate_dbt

dbt init climate_dbt

Edit the file profiles.yml

Use the following command to access to the file

code ~/.dbt/profiles.yml

Add the following code:

  target: dev
      type: postgres
      threads: 1
      host: localhost
      port: 5432
      user: root
      pass: root
      dbname: climate_data
      schema: public

Test connections

dbt debug 


Create a model

I'll create a model called climate_data_model.sql. Before this you should create an schema a and define your tables and databases, for example:

version: 2

  - name: staging
    database: climate_data
    schema: public

      - name: jena_climate
      - name: jena_climate_partitioned

Then you should be able to create your dbt model. For intance, could be something like this:

{{ config(materialized='table') }}
select * from climate_data.jena_climate

Run the model

dbt run


Now go to your pgadmin and see if the view was created.


Dbt tests

You can create tests for your models. For instance, you can test if the model has the same number of columns that the source table. You can create a file called schema.yml in the models folder. Then you can add the following code:

    - name: climate_data_model
      description: >
        View that collects all the data from a the partitioned table.
        - name: index
          description: Index of the table.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: date_time
          description: Date of the record.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: p (mbar)
          description: Pressure in mbar.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: T (degC)  
          description: Temperature in Celsius.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: Tpot (K)
          description: Temperature in Kelvin.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: Tdew (degC)   
          description: Temperature in Celsius.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn  
        - name: rh (%)  
          description: Relative humidity in percentage.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: VPmax (mbar)  
          description: Maximum water vapor pressure in mbar.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: VPact (mbar)  
          description: Actual water vapor pressure in mbar.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: VPdef (mbar)  
          description: Water vapor pressure deficit in mbar.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: sh (g/kg) 
          description: Specific humidity in g/kg.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: H2OC (mmol/mol)
          description: Water vapor concentration in mmol/mol.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: rho (g/m**3)
          description: Air density in g/m**3.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: wv (m/s)  
          description: Wind velocity in m/s.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: max. wv (m/s)
          description: Maximum wind velocity in m/s.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn
        - name: wd (deg)  
          description: Wind direction in degrees.
            - unique:
                severity: warn
            - not_null:
                severity: warn

Then you can run the tests with the following command:

dbt test


Dbt docs

See the documentation with

dbt docs generate

Power BI

I'll use PBI to show some insights from the data.

Connect to PBI

  1. Select PostgreSQL DB
  2. Put localhost:5432 as server
  3. climate_data on database
  4. On query put the following:
SELECT * FROM climate_data.jena_climate_partitioned
  1. Accept

Simple Dashboard

After working on Power BI I've got this simple dashboard where you can see some KPI's of the data.

dashboard I'll publish it soon!