
WebSocket server/client implementation for Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon LispBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Websocket Driver

Build Status Quicklisp dist

This library provides WebSocket server & client implementation for Common Lisp.

Supported Servers


Server-side with Clack

WebSocket server implementation is designed to work with Clack, which is a abstraction layer for web servers.

(ql:quickload '(:websocket-driver-server :clack))

(use-package :websocket-driver)

(defvar *echo-server*
  (lambda (env)
    (let ((ws (make-server env)))
      (on :message ws
          (lambda (message)
            (send ws message)))
      (lambda (responder)
        (declare (ignore responder))
        (start-connection ws)))))

;; Start Wookie server
(clack:clackup *echo-server* :server :wookie :port 5000)

The backend server can be changed by replacing :wookie by other servers.


(ql:quickload :websocket-driver-client)

(defvar *client* (wsd:make-client "ws://localhost:5000/echo"))

(wsd:start-connection *client*)
(wsd:on :message *client*
        (lambda (message)
          (format t "~&Got: ~A~%" message)))
(wsd:send *client* "Hi")
(wsd:close-connection *client*)


[Function] make-server (env &key max-length accept-protocols additional-headers)

Returns a new SERVER object. The ENV is a property list represents server information, which Clack provides.

The max-length is the maximum message size allowed. The default is #x3ffffff. If at any time it stays bigger than this, the connection will be closed with code 1009 (too-large).

The accept-protocols is a list of custom protocol names as strings. This will be used for checking Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header client sent. The default is an empty list.

The additional-headers is an association list which represents HTTP headers to use in WebSocket handshake response. The default is an empty list.

[Function] make-client (url &key max-length accept-protocols additional-headers)

Returns a new CLIENT object. The URL is a string to connect.

Additional keyword arguments max-length, accept-protocols and additional-headers are shared with make-server.

[Class] ws

The base class for server and client.

As this inherits event-emitter, its object can be attached event listerners by on.

[Event] :open

Called when the socket becomes open.

(on :open ws
    (lambda ()
      (format t "Connected.~%")))

[Event] :message

Called when a message is received. The callback function takes a MESSAGE as an argument which is either a string in the case of a text message or an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) vector in the case of a binary message.

(on :message ws
    (lambda (message)
      (format t "Received: ~S~%" message)))

[Event] :error

Called when a protocol error occurs due to the other peer sending an invalid byte sequence. The callback function takes a PROTOCOL-ERROR as an argument.

(on :error ws
    (lambda (error)
      (format t "Got an error: ~S~%" error)))

[Event] :close

Called when the socket becomes closed. The CALLBACK function takes CODE and REASON as arguments.

(on :close ws
    (lambda (&key code reason)
      (format t "Closed because '~A' (Code=~A)~%" reason code)))

[Class] server

The class for WebSocket (version 13) server implementation.

[Class] client

The class for WebSocket client implementation.

[Method] (start-connection ws)

Initiates the protocol by sending the handshake - either the response for a server-side driver or the request for a client-side one. This should be the first method you invoke. Returns T if a handshake was sent.

[Method] (send ws data &key start end type code callback)

Sends DATA over the socket.

[Function] (send-text ws message &key start end callback)

Sends a text message over the socket.

[Function] (send-binary ws usb8-vector &key start end callback)

Takes an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) vector and sends them as a binary message.

[Method] (send-ping ws &optional message callback)

Sends a ping frame over the socket, queueing it if necessary.

[Method] (close-connection ws)

Initiates the closing handshake if the socket is still open.

[Method] (version driver)

Returns the WebSocket version in use as a string (ex. "hybi-13").

[Method] (protocol driver)

Returns a string containing the selected subprotocol, if any was agreed upon using the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol mechanism.

[Method] (ready-state ws)

Returns the connection state as a keyword, which is one of :connecting, :open, :closing and :closed.



Copyright (c) 2014 Eitaro Fukamachi (e.arrows@gmail.com)


Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.

See Also