
Implement some policy gradient algorithms based on pytorch and gym/retro

Primary LanguagePython

1. Introduction

This repository is used as the implementations of policy gradient algorithms.

The reference link is here

2. Add game 2048

CartPole is kind of easy to beat, thus add 2048 for some tests.

The api to use 2048 is game.update(action) in which action is UP(1), LEFT(2), DOWN(3), RIGHT(4).

To test, there already is a player who randomly selects action. run it with python 2048_simplify.py

3. Implementation

3.1. Monte Carlo Policy Gradient

For REINFORCE, following files are implemented

  1. Reinforce_CartPole.py: Implement the REINFORCE for game CartPole-v0.
  2. Baseline_CartPole.py: Implement the baseline REINFORCE for game CartPole-v0.

The observation used in CartPole-v0 is 4-dim observation (see here).

3.1.1. REINFORCE CartPole

To start the training, the simplest way is to run python Reinforce_CartPole.py

Type python Reinforce_CartPole.py --help to see other options of training.

For reference only, mine is python Reinforce_CartPole.py -e 20000 -a [continuing/episodic] --info rein_cart.

3.1.2. Add baseline to REINFORCE

To start the training, the simplest way is to run python Baseline_CartPole.py

Type python Baseline_CartPole.py --help to see other options of training.

For reference only, mine is python Baseline_CartPole.py -e 20000 -a [continuing/episodic] --info base_cart.

3.1.3. Result

  • Red line: Baseline REINFORCE & Continuing Update
  • Green line: Baseline REINFORCE & Episodic Update
  • Blue line: REINFORCE & Continuing Update
  • Orange line: REINFORCE & Episodic Update


3.1.4. Discussion

Basically, the only difference between REINFORCE and baseline REINFORCE is to subtract the mean value from discounted reward summation. However, with this minor modification, the result has a significant improvement. Another way of using baseline is to use another state-value function to estimate the baseline (see here Page 330)

Considering the fact that the CartPole is a continuing tasks without the episodes, the result also shows that the when using episodic Update and continuing Update, the one trained with continuing Update strongly outperformed the other one.

BTW, the difference of episodic update and continuing update is

  • Episodic:

  • Continuing:

3.2. Actor-Critic

3.2.1. Training

To start the training, the simplest way is to run python AC_CartPole.py

Type python AC_CartPole.py --help to see other options of training.

For reference only, mine is python AC_CartPole.py -e 2000 --info ac_cart.

3.2.2. Result


3.2.3. Discussion

  • The Actor-Critic Algorithm is a "family of related techniques which train some critic network that computes value estimate in order to plug into the update as a lower-variance replacement.

  • Significantly faster than REINFORCE, take around 400 epochs to get satifying result. In comparison, baseline reinforce takes 7k epochs.

  • Have tried pixel value observation, still not working well.

3.3. A3C

Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic, the implementation is in folder a3c.

3.3.1. Implementation

To start the training, the simplest way is to run python A3C_CartPole.py, remember go to the a3c folder.

Type python A3C_CartPole.py --help to see other options of training.

For reference only, mine is python A3C_CartPole.py -e 1000 -l 0.0001.

3.3.2. Result

Because there are multiple threads, each has its own update procedure. Thus no figure for global result. But in my machine, each thread started to converge when episode was about 350.

3.3.3. Discussion

  • The number of processes is set to 4 in default. It is true that with the increase of number of processes, agent tends to find optimal policy more quickly. I suppose there are two reasons. 1. More prcesses can explore more possibilities of policy. 2. More processes means during the same amount of episodes, the parameters of global network can be updated more times.

  • I have not encounted problems like stucking into local optimal point. I would account this for the game itself is easy.

3.4. A2C

The implementation is in folder a2c. To start the training, the simplest way is to run python A2C_CartPole.py

Type python A2C_CartPole.py --help to see other options of training.

For reference only, mine is python A3C_CartPole.py -e 5000 -l 0.0001.



3.3.4. Discussion

  • While the result is not bad, but I would believe my implementation is kind of inefficient. The algorithms takes almost 2000 episodes to converge.

4. Reference

Reinforce Learning Book


Pytorch Tutorial