
Required extension for cyberchat2077.

Primary LanguageLua


This is a requirement for cyberchat2077 to work properly. It adds:

  • Persistent chats
    • Stored on a game session basis (i.e., the game has to be saved)
    • Will save chats every 10 seconds by default
    • Stored in ./sessions/<session_id>.lua
    • Sends custom primer on game loading
      • Chat partner will try to continue the conversation
  • Multiple chats backend
    • Mirrors CyberAI's k/v store for chat conversations
    • Each chat is persisted individually
  • Custom chat profile creation backend
    • Define your own conversation partners & associated primers
    • cyberchat2077 is initialized with these values
  • Add conditions to display chat profiles
    • Chats are only be displayed when their condition (fact) is met


  1. Download and install the necessary requirements:
  2. Move this folder into %CyberpunkDir%\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods


You may configure this extension by writing your own code inside init.lua. Currently, all existing chat character profiles are listed there, you can add your own ones by following the pattern denoted in the code comments:

  1. Add your new chat partner's first name to the CyberChat.ALL_PROFILES flat (this is a semicolon-separated list)
  2. Add your new chat partner's handle (without the '@' prefix) to the chatState table
  3. Copy the existing pattern of creating the other 5 flats: handle, name, logo, primer1 and primer2
    • All of the inputs are Strings
    • The logo is the texture part from the atlas resource that your cyberchat2077 configuration points to
    • primer1 and primer2 essentially tell the language model who they are role-playing as (examples here)