
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Convert a LaTeX tabular file to an xls file


With this tool you can convert LaTeX tabular files to Excel


Install the tool by:

pip install tabular2xls

In case you want to include CBS color definitions, install with:

pip install tabular2xls[cbs]

or, alternatively, install the cbsplotlib package yourself:

pip install cbsplotlib


Run the following command:

tabular2xls tabular_file.tex

where the .tex file is a file containing a LaTeX tabular which is converted to an Excel file

Full Help

Get the full help by running:

tabular2xls.exe --help

which gives the following output:

usage: tabular2xls [-h] [--version] [--output_filename OUTPUT_FILENAME] [--output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
                   [--search_and_replace [SEARCH_AND_REPLACE ...]] [-v] [-vv] [--multi_index] [--encoding ENCODING]

Tool to convert latex tabulars into xls files

positional arguments:
  FILENAME              Tabular file name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --output_filename OUTPUT_FILENAME
                        Name of the xls output file. Must have extension .xlsx
  --output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
                        Name of the output directory. If not given, it is determined by the output file name
  --search_and_replace [SEARCH_AND_REPLACE ...]
                        Search en Replace patterns in case you want to change strings.By default, cdots en ast are
                        replaced by . and * vervangen, respectively
  -v, --verbose         set loglevel to INFO
  -vv, --debug          set loglevel to DEBUG
  --multi_index         Force a multiindex data frame
  --encoding ENCODING   Set the encoding of the text file. Default is utf-8


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.0.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see https://pyscaffold.org/.