
General Notes

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

General notes on various stuff

Mastering Markdown

Obsidian shortcuts

Action Key
Navigate front and back Cntrl/Cmd-alt <-
Search in files Cntrl/Cmd-Shift F
Quick Open Switcher Cmtrl/cmd O
Open Command Pallete Cntrl/cmd P

Github explorer IDE

 Go to any GitHub repository and then press the dot key (.) on your keyboard. Visual Studio Code will appear in your browser.   It will load your entire repository and you can open any file from it. You have your entire source code with syntax highlighting and coloring. If you want to search for something, you can use the Visual Studio Code search capability to search in any file in the repository. If you make a code change, that code change gets saved and you can immediately make a commit inside your GitHub repository from your browser

That dot press to bring up the web-based editor takes you to https://github.dev/, so the same one-press functionality can be duplicated just by changing a URL from "github.com" to "github.dev."
