
Ansible role to cache (or re-cache/update) `ssh` host key(s) into `known_hosts` file.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Ansible known_hosts Caching Role

Ansible role to cache (or re-cache/update) ssh host key(s) into known_hosts file. All actions are taken locally (delegated to localhost), except that the host must be reachable (from localhost) to query for it's ssh key (via ssh-keyscan).


This role requires (on your control node)

  • a minimal version (> 1.2) of Ansible
  • dnspython python library



Role Variables

  • known_hosts_ssh_key_auto_cache (default: true)

    Should this role automatically cache the ssh host keys of new hosts? This is executed on localhost using the ssh-keyscan command to fetch the key, and the known_hosts module to cache it.

  • known_hosts_ssh_key_hash_hostname (default: false)

    If true, hostname will be hashed in the known_hosts file.

  • known_hosts_ssh_key_cache_ipv4 (default: true)

    If true, cache the IP[V4] address(es) of the host as well.

  • known_hosts_ssh_key_cache_blindly (default: false)

    If true, update cached keys on EVERY invocation. SECURITY NOTE: this runs a higher risk of MITM attacks, as the any cached host keys are replaced blindly every time. However, you might want to turn this on in certain situations, for example if you know the host keys have changed recently. Can be turned on either by changing this variable, or temporarily at invocation by providing the tag/option -t cache_blindly.

  • known_hosts_ssh_key_type (default: "ecdsa")

    What ssh key type should we fetch? Typical options include:

    • dsa (NOTE: this is deprecated by most SSH installations as insecure)
    • rsa
    • ecdsa (default)
    • ed25519
  • known_hosts_ssh_key_hosts_file (default: "~/.ssh/known_hosts")

    Location of the file into which the host key will be stored. If unset (the default), the location is the default of the ansible known_hosts module, which is ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

Example Playbook

There is very little to this role, however, because it's primary task is to cache ssh host keys, and this generally should happen before you connect to the remote machines, any playbook that makes use of it must disable the gathering of facts before it runs; for example:

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - eengstrom.known_hosts

Key Caching Caveats

Because this playbook is most likely to be run against a fresh system, typically it will be run with gather_facts: false; see above. Because of this expected usage scenario, the caching of SSH host keys (see known_hosts_ssh_key_auto_cache) will use the value of inventory_hostname rather than ansible_hostname, since the latter requires facts to have been gathered, which will not have yet occurred. This has the unfortunate requirement and assumption that your systems' hostnames and inventory names match. If this is not the case, you may have issues. If someone has a better way to do "the right thing", please submit a PR.

Author Information

  • Eric Engstrom


BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License