
Simplified, Self-hosted, One Time Secrets Alternative

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Quick Secrets - Simple Self-Hosted Secret Sharing

What is Quick Secrets?

Quick secrets is a small, portable, Ruby web app that allows users to create and share temporary secrets via web links.

Who can view secrets?

Anyone with a secret link and the corresponding secret passphrase can view the stored secret. Once viewed, the encrypted secret is deleted and cannot be recovered.

Who can create secrets?

An account is required to create secrets. This enables organizations to host this web app on a public facing web server, and distribute secrets to anyone, but prevents outside users from taking advantage of the application for malicious purposes.

How are secrets stored securely?

Once a secret is entered and submitted, the secret is encrypted using AES-256 and stored only in memory, never written to disk. Neither the secret passphrase used to encrypt the secret, nor the original plaintext secret are kept. Without the secret passphrase, a secret cannot be recovered, even by the owner of the system hosting the application.


Run via Docker

For ease of use, it is recommended that you run quick secrets as a docker container. You can run quick secrets instantly with the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm -it scronkfinkle/quick-secrets

This will start the application, exposed on port 8080 of whatever machine you run it on.

Alternatively you can run it with docker-compose

version: "3.1"
    image: scronkfinkle/quick-secrets
      - 8080:8080
      - QUICK_SECRETS_URL=http://mysite.com
      - QUICK_SECRETS_DATABASE=sqlite:///etc/quick_secrets/qsecrets.db
      - QUICK_SECRETS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=65c21921ca10a8502757efc9aa552874d181c6206feb2845a921eb57f5e518d4
      - QUICK_SECRETS_CONFIG=/etc/quick_secrets/config.yml

Debian-based systems

Build and install the gem (on a Debian flavored system) with the following commands:

apt install ruby2.5 ruby2.5-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev build-essential patch zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev -y
gem build quick-secrets.gemspec
gem install quick-secrets-*gem

Local Development

gem install bundler
bundle config set path 'vendor'
bundle install

... which is mostly one-time, excluding dependency updates, then:

bundle exec quick-secrets [--args]


Configuration File

The default configuration file loads from /etc/quick_secrets/config.yml, which will be seeded automatically with a template if it does not already exist. You can specify an alternative configuration file location by either command-line argument or environment variable:

quick-secrets --config=FILENAME
# or

Default admin Account

On every launch, a default admin account will be created, only if it does not already exist. The password for the account will copied from the config.yml file admin_password variable, which defaults to password1!.

To prevent creation of a default admin account, comment out the admin_password entry in the config.yml or set the environment variable QUICK_SECRETS_ADMIN_PASSWORD to an empty string, as in:


We suggest using the default admin account to setup alternative admin accounts, and then deleting the default admin account. Once deleted, commenting out the admin_password config variable will prevent re-creation of the default admin account when the application restarts.

If all other access to admin capable accounts is lost, uncommenting the admin_password variable in the config file and restarting the application will recreate and/or reset the admin account password for further recovery.


Quick secrets can be configured via configuration file or by environment variables. On first launch, quick secrets will attempt to create a config file in /etc/quick_secrets/config.yml unless specified elsewhere. All configuration can be handled in that file, or by using the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default
QUICK_SECRETS_URL The URL of your site, this is used for generating to copy and paste http://mysite.com
QUICK_SECRETS_LISTEN_PORT The port to bind to 8080
QUICK_SECRETS_SESSION_EXPIRATION The amount of time in seconds an idle session should last before timing out 500
QUICK_SECRETS_DATABASE the database to connect to. See config.yml for additional information sqlite:///etc/quick_secrets/qsecrets.db
QUICK_SECRETS_ADMIN_PASSWORD The default admin password, stored as a SHA256 hash 65c21921ca10a8502757efc9aa552874d181c6206feb2845a921eb57f5e518d4 (this is password1!)
QUICK_SECRETS_CONFIG The location of the config.yml /etc/quick_secrets/config.yml
QUICK_SECRETS_SECRET_UUID_LENGTH The length of the UUID used to create a link to a secret 8


Getting a token

To query the server for password generation, an access token is required. This can be retrieved by navigating to the account page.

Querying the API

To use your token, append it to your HTTP header with the key qsecret-token, like so

curl -X GET -H "qsecret-token: my_access_token"

Generating a secret using a token

To generate a secret, a JSON object needs to be sent to the /secret endpoint as a POST, with the following keys: secret password


curl -d '{"secret":"my secret phrase", "password":"my secret password"}' -H "qsecret-token: access_token" -X POST mysite.com/secret

If the authentication suceeds, a resulting JSON will come with a status and digest field. The digest field will return a SHA2 hash which can be used to resolve the secret URL. The URL can be resolved by appending the digest to the end of the URL with the secret endpoint.

For example:
