Speks is a multi-pronged approach to addressing underdiagnoses of autism in women and young girls. It includes a website, quiz, and a game to address the broad needs of different age groups.
- Website: Intended to create awareness and educate visitors, the main page hosts information to learn about the cause and a donation screen to support it.
- Quiz: A straightforward, multiple-choice quiz that includes specific questions that take into account the unique presentation of autism in women and can suggest a potential diagnosis.
- Game: A short choice-based game where the player walks through a day at school making behavioral choices. The game uses simplistic assets (sourced from the web) and mechanics (button clicking and movement) to provide a more engaging quiz experience for young girls.
- HTML5/CSS/Javascript: Developed website and quiz using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript all from scratch! No premade code was used nor were any bootstrap materials.
- Firebase: Integrated Firebase to collect emails.
- Unity/C#: We used the Unity engine to develop our game, writing scripts in C# to drive decision logic and game progression.