
A script that monitors DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf and sorts them by response time while giving OSX Notifications to logged in user.

Primary LanguagePython


This documentation is not up-to-date. Will be updated soon

This is a Python script that is used to be in Mac OSX Environment to test & change to the most robust DNS that are already defined in /etc/resolv.conf


dnsBoost requires dns.resolver Python module installed in your system ;


  1. Install dns.resolver first via dnspython @GitHub

  2. Install terminal-notifier You can either use gem or brew for easy installation.

    gem install terminal-notifier


    brew install terminal-notifier

  3. Install reattach-to-user-namespacevia gem or brew.You can use the steps on 2nd section.

  4. If you are going to use this script as scheduled - which is recommended - then you should configure your launchd to schedule this script.

    • Copy org.github.eerkunt.dnsBoost.plist to your /Library/LaunchAgents directory with root privileges.

    • Change the absolute pathname in your plist file.

    ProgramArguments CHANGE HERE

    * Run ```sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.github.eerkunt.dnsBoost.plist``` in order to start scheduling
    * Run ```sudo launchctl start /Library/LaunchAgents/org.github.eerkunt.dnsBoost.plist``` to start once. It will run in every 60 seconds as configured in your ```plist```file ;


You should ( depends ) change first few lines of the script, given example as below ;

serviceName = "Wi-Fi"                                                                   # This is Interface that you are using ( OSX )
networkSetup = "/usr/sbin/networksetup"                                                 # Path to networksetup
osaScript = "/usr/local/bin/terminal-notifier"                                          # Path to terminal-notifier. Install it via brew or gem
appIcon = "/Users/teeerkunt/Documents/SVN_Repository/scripts/dnsBoost/dnsBoost.png"     # This is the icon that you want to show in notifier
notificationSound = "Pop"                                                               # This is the sound that you want to hear on notification. ( Sound Preferences )
reattachToUserNamespace="/usr/local/bin/reattach-to-user-namespace"                     # Path to reattach-to-user-namespace. Install it via brew or gem
username="teeerkunt"                                                                    # The user that will get the notification. Should be a GUI user.
queryList = [ "google.com", "microsoft.com", "apple.com" ]                              # Which domains do we need to check ?
recursor.lifetime = 5.0   

Most probably, most of the stuff will not change except username parameter.

Issues & Requests

This script has been written in few minutes just for fun. You can either fork the code and do whatever you want or create an issue against it for me to fix or implement the change you want.


GPL v3.0 licensed and also it is free to use it as in beer.