This script reads Performance XML data files generated from Ericsson devices and converts them based on tags into CSV files. CSV files to be used by Optima.
NOTE THAT : You should not used this Parser to convert any kind of XML to a CSV file.
- Perl
- GetOpts::Std Perl module ( you should already have this module, if you don't you have serious problems )
- Log::Log4Perl ( you can easily install this module via CPAN )
- File::Copy ( if you don't have this, then you have same problem with GetOpts::Std )
This script reads Performance XML data files generated from Ericsson devices
and converts them based on <measData> tags into CSV files. CSV files to be used
by Optima.
Usage : perfDataParser [-i CONFIG FILE] [-h]
Parameter Descriptions :
-c [CONFIG FILE] Configuration file that defines directives ** MANDATORY **
-h Shows this help
# perfDataParser Configuration File
# Directory that consist of XML files that will be parsed
# Directory that will consist CSV files as output files
# This directory will have Backup XML/INPUT files. Only works if BackupAfterParse=1
# This directory will have log files. Log file format will have PRID and Datetime
# Process ID. This will be included in log and output files
# Input File Masking as regular expression in order to filter INPUT files
# If this is 0, then headers will not be written into output.
# Headers will be written into output if this is 1
# If this is 1, then parsed INPUT file will be copied into BackupDir
# Log severity will be defined here
# Among these levels FATAL is the lowest, TRACE is the highest log level
# FATAL : Only fatal errors will be dumped
# ERROR : Also dump errors
# WARN : Also dump warnings
# INFO : Dump also informative logs
# DEBUG : This is useful for troubleshooting if you are able to modify code, otherwise not recommended.
# TRACE : This logs extensive output about code internals. Don't use this if you're not going to hack the script.
# Delimeter will be defined between quotes
# Examples;
# For Comma -> ','
# For Semicolons -> ';'
# For Space -> ' '
# For Colons -> ':'
# For a custom delimeter -> 'myCustom|||Delimeter'
# You can use as whatever you like.
# PID file path that will be used for lock mechanism in order to prevent duplicate runs. PID will include PRID instead of Process ID
# If this is 1, then INPUT file name will also include in the first column of output CSVs
- EMe