
100 days learning the Python World

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

100 Days Of Python

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What is this?

100 Days Of Python is inspired in #100DaysOfCode initiative and 60 Days Of Go repository, where I learn something new about Python every day during 100 days.

This project is a piece of a series called X Days Of Something, which one includes:

Why am I doing this? Why Python?

Writing code that works is easy (most of the time). But writing efficient, clear, concise, scalable, and maintainable code is very difficult. It may be better with a lot of practice in various types of problems and paradigms, in addition to having mastery of the language you are coding.

Python is a great language which you code more with less. There are a lot of facilities that helps you gain more time to focus on other development details. I decided to explore even more this amazing programming language to be able to take advantage of everything it has to offer, being more pythonic without the addictions of other languages.


These examples were compiled with Python 3.6 and there are some dependencies. So, to the correct operation of these examples, you need to use Python 3.6 and install all repository dependencies. To install the dependencies, you can use pip as following:

pip install -r requirements.pip

NOTE: It is recommended to create a virtual environment to keep your system clear. See more details in https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/.

Day Title
001 String I - Interpolation
002 List I - Append, Insert and Del
003 List II - Reverse, Sort and Extend
004 Everything can be an iterable
005 List III - List Comprehensions
006 Tuple I - Generator Expressions
007 Tuple II - Unpacking
008 Tuple III - Named Tuple
009 List IV - Slice it now!
010 Tired of lists? Use Arrays!
011 Using arrays in NumPy
012 Get in line with Deque collection
013 Jedi ways to create Dicts
014 setdefault: When dict.get it's a bad idea
015 Set - Creation, Set Comprehensions and Operations
016 Using dis module to see bytecodes
017 Some great built-in functions
018 String II - Useful functions