
Running the Application

  1. Add all the environmental variables. Contact a dev team member for these values

  2. Run the application

    A) Run the Jar java -jar build/libs/stocktrade-1.0.jar


    B) Run the application from the main file with intellij

  3. The application will now be running on port 8080 with context path /stock-trade

Running the Application on the VM

  1. docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo
  2. docker run -p 6379:6379 redis
  3. ./


To build and run the docker container

  1. ./gradlew bootJar This builds the jar that will be put into the docker
  2. Export the MONGO_URI and JWT_SECRET environment variables the values can be gotten from the dev team
  3. docker build -t stocktrade . This creates the container image. Must be run from the Seng-468-be/ directory
  4. docker run -e MONGO_URI -e JWT_SECRET -p {hostPort}:8080 stocktrade The app can then be access at the host port
  5. ^C (Ctrl. C) to end the program

Login and Authentication

  1. Create a User POST to {HOST}/stock-trade/users/sign-up {username,password,email}
  2. Login POST to {HOST}/stock-trade/users/login
  3. Add the Bearer token to requests as an Authorization header


All the requests for the system can be seen using the swagger ui available here Paste the auth token from the login into the authorize button (No prefix just the token) and then all requests will be authorized