
Dummy UDP server that dumps incoming messages in STDOUT

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dummy UDP Server DockerHub

A basic UDP mirror server that dumps in STDOUT anything you send to it. Useful to test your application or metrics backends like DataDog.

Quick start

$ docker pull eexit/dumudp-server
$ docker run -dp 8125:8125/udp --name dumudp-server eexit/dumudp-server

Send your UDP packets:

$ echo -n "dumudp-server.test.counter:1|c" | nc -w 1 -u 8125

Check on the container log:

$ docker logs -f dumudp-server
> dumudp-server@1.1.0 start /app
> node server.js

Started to listen on >>> dumudp-server.test.counter:1|c >>> dumudp-server.test.counter:1|c >>> dumudp-server.test.counter:1|c

Change the port

Default port is 8125 but you can change the port by running the container like this (here set the port 28900 up):

$ docker run -d --name dumudp-server -e PORT=28900 -p 28900:28900/udp eexit/dumudp-server