
This is me trying to understand Box2D and shoving what I've learned into this repository.

Trying to learn Box2D for Processing.

I want it to be said: I love Daniel Shiffman. He is doing great things for the Processing and p5.js communities. My perfect Friday evening involves Daniel Shiffman trying his best to not spend three hours to code Pong or whatever he is trying to code this Friday. And I love how he has made his book, The Nature of Code, available for free so that I have access to it now that I don't have money to pay for it.

But no one is perfect. And, in my honest opinion, the chapter on physics libraries is not perfect either. I did not at all understand how on earth I would be able to make the code work. Eventually I found some examples. I studied some of those and experimented with some code and eventually I figured it out. Or at least I think I did. I might be the only one that didn't understand Daniel Shiffman's chapter on physics engines, but in case I am not, here is what I have learned.

This is work in progress. I intend to extend the 'tutorial' that covers the basics.

I am not trying to replace Dan's chapter on Box2D. But I hope that this repository can be of help to someone who, like me, did not understand the first part of the chapter. Oh, and I am completely new to github, so I am not quite sure what the hell I am doing on that part either.