
Holds the custom scripts for use in AoC mmo

Age of Conan Game Scripts

Holds the custom scripts for use in AoC mmo. Most included are utility scripts for pugs and finding groups.

Use: Copy any of the scripts to your Age of Conan\Scripts directory. In game simply type /<scriptname>. Most of these have been tested in game but I'm tweaking them regularly and adding more syntax highlighting and more scripts. As such if any are broken feel free to open an issue here and I'll correct for anyone using them or if you'd like to add a script for others to use open a Pull Request!

/cavernemotes - prints link to utility window with buttons for requred emotes in Cavern of Malice to current chat channel.
/celestialemotes - prints link to utility window with buttons for require emotes in Celestial Necropolis to current chat channel.
/coppice - prints link to utility window with guide on Coppice of the Heart to current chat channel.
/flame - prints link to utility window with guide of Reliquary of Flame to current chat channel.
/lfm - prints LFM message to current chat channel. Takes 2 arguments Usage:/lfm "<Name of instance>" "<Classes Needed to fill>"
/palace- prints link to utility window with guide on Palace of Yun Rau to current chat channel. /pillars - prints link to utility window with guide on Pillars of Heaven to current chat channel.
/settings - prints link to utility window with buttons for all in game graphical and targeting settings.
/threshold - prints link to utility window with guide on Threshold of Divinity in the House of Crom to current chat channel. /vortex - prints link to utility window with guide on Vortex of the Storm to current chat channel.