
Plans for habitat.sh

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Stark & Wayne habitat plans

This repository contains habitat plans that are supported by Stark & Wayne

Building plans

To build a plan locally (eg. Redis) run:

$ hab pkg build redis

this will build your package and put the output into the results dir:

$ ll results
total 1152
drwxr-xr-x   5 jcarter  staff     170 Apr 12 12:00 .
drwxr-xr-x  17 jcarter  staff     578 Apr 12 11:59 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 jcarter  staff     367 Apr 12 12:00 last_build.env
drwxr-xr-x   3 jcarter  staff     102 Apr 12 11:59 logs
-rw-r--r--   1 jcarter  staff  582034 Apr 12 12:00 starkandwayne-redis-3.2.8-20170412082113-x86_64-linux.hart

You can also build from within the context of the hab studio (a shell environment for quickly iterating plans).

$ hab studio enter
[1][default:/src:0]# build redis

this has the same effect as hab pkg build redis (that command creates an on the fly studio to build the pkg and then exists).

Export to docker

If you have built your package in the studio and remain in the context you can export your pkg to docker via:

[2][default:/src:130]# hab pkg export docker starkandwayne/redis

This will export the latest version of starkandwayne/redis to docker (if you have just built one it will use the local version). On the host you can see the result:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                  TAG                     IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
starkandwayne/redis                         latest                  7f9496bb6bba        13 seconds ago      165 MB
starkandwayne/redis                         3.2.8-20170412082113    7f9496bb6bba        About a minute ago   165 MB

Via pipeline

Instead of building and exporting the images manually you can also use the habitat-plans pipeline to help you with your workflow. When you have decided on a version of plan.sh file you like commit and push it to origin. This will trigger a build of the plan and make the image available via

$ docker pull starkandwayne/redis:edge

If you have added a new plan you will need to run ci/repipe to update the pipeline.


Many of the plans are testable via delmo. You can run the tests via:

$ delmo -f redis/tests/delmo.yml

The tests will run against the latest image built by the pipeline (starkandwayne/redis:edge). When a file <pkg>/tests/delmo.yml is found the same tests will also be run in the pipeline.