
Choose Your Own Adventure Presentation Packaged with Habitat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Upside Down Application Automation

CfgMgmtCamp '17

Ian Henry Habitat Technical Community Advocate

This repo contains all of the code to build the multi-tier application that I ran my CfgMgmtCamp 2017 presentation on! The web app portion is a fork of work done by mattmakai that I've tweaked a bit, and updated to be packaged and run under Habitat.

Matt also wrote a kickass multi-part blog post about the thing he built.

The general idea here is that with this repo, you can quite easily turn up your own presentations like this with little to no effort using Habitat packages!


A quick breakdown of requirements to build the stack:

  1. Habitat >= v0.17.0
  2. Docker
  3. A Twilio Account
  4. An Ngrok Account

Getting Started

Once you have Docker and Habitat v 0.17.0 or greater installed on your workstation you should be ready to go. To get started lets go ahead and clone this repo down to your machine

$ git clone https://github.com/eeyun/cyoa

From the root of the repo we're going to enter the studio and build a few things. In the future I might publish these packages up to the depot to cut down on things. But if you're new to Habitat then this should be a nice easy exercise for you to see how things all work together.

$ cd cyoa
$ hab studio enter
[1][default:/src:0]# hab pkg install core/postgresql/9.5.3
[2][default:/src:0]# hab pkg install core/redis
[3][default:/src:0]# build plans/cyoa
[4][default:/src:0]# build plans/ngrok

Ok so that should give us everything we should need to make our docker containers.

[5][default:/src:0]# hab pkg export docker core/postgresql/9.5.3
[6][default:/src:0]# hab pkg export docker core/redis
[7][default:/src:0]# hab pkg export docker yourorigin/ngrok
[8][default:/src:0]# hab pkg export docker yourorigin/cyoa
[9][default:/src:0]# exit

Now each of these images should be available from docker. You can check with a simple command

$ sudo docker images

Verify that each of your expected images exist there. If so we can move on. If not, come ask me for help in slack.habitat.sh!

With the images in place we now need to update our docker-compose.yml file and there are a few specific values that youll need to update which are specifically the environment variables that we pass to our containers at runtime.


Once you've updated these values with the information from your specific accounts we should be ready to turn the stack up. This will be a two-step process as the supervisor for redis has been told to expect more than a single container to exist in the cluster.

$ sudo docker-compose up

This should give you oodles of output but should more or less stop and wait after around 10-20 seconds. At this point the stack functions except for voting, which is handled by the redis caching layer. So lets scale out redis.

$ sudo docker-compose scale redis=3

And that should be all it takes! You should now have a 6 node cluster across 4 different services all talking and working together. From a browser you should be able to hit localhost:5001/wizard for the login page. Username: hab, Password: hab

As the web app supports multiple presentations you'll want to click New Presentation to add the CfgMgmtCamp '17 deck to the app. I've included it in the repo under /slides but the application should automatically mount that directory for use with the slide deck.

Presentation Name
App Automation with Habitat

File name

URL Slug

Make sure you also check the is Visible box before clicking save! Returning to localhost:5001 should now present you with a link to my presentation! Of course you can always look through the html as it is a reveal.js presentation.


Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Ian Henry and/or applicable contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.