
Docker image to run acestream-engine and HTTPAceProxy on RaspberryPI, ARMv7.

Primary LanguageShell


Docker image to run acestream-engine and HTTPAceProxy by pepsik-kiev on RaspberryPI, ARMv7.

How to build the image

docker build -t image_name:latest .

How to run

Privileged is required only because the binaries are for 32bit binaries and would require PER_LINUX32 permission.

docker run -d --privileged -p 8001:8000 -p8621:8621 -p6878:6878 --name ace_proxy ef1f/raspberry_ace_proxy:latest

Mount folders for torrent files and HTTPAceProxy configs

docker run -d --privileged -v <Your torrent folder path>:/films -v <Your config folder path>:/opt/HTTPAceProxy/plugins/config -p 8001:8000 -p8621:8621 -p6878:6878 --name ace_proxy ef1f/raspberry_ace_proxy:latest

How to use

For VLC -> Media -> Open Network Stream... -> Network, add URL http://docker_host_ip:8001/torrent-telik, http://docker_host_ip:8001/torrenttv

AceStream Settings http://docker_host_ip:6878/webui/app/acestream/server#proxy-server-settings

HTTP AceProxy Info http://docker_host_ip:8001/stat