Nødvendige filer for å lage slides i PP-stil i latex for NTNU (hovedsaklig).

Primary LanguageTeX


Contains necessary files for creating slides in powerpoint format in latex (NTNU). You may encounter problems beyond the scope of what readme-files (and/or similiar) will deal with. Use google if you find yourself with errors. And also, while using this should not give you any problems, it should be needless to say that you use this at your own risk.

Currently works for Windows. Will most likely be similar for MAC OS and LINUX users. This repo has gathered information from several other sources, and should be sufficient in order for you to create your "slideshow". Use of the example code may be advantageous.


  1. Use MiKTex 2.9 (other versions have not been tested)
  2. Use TexStudio as the tex editor (other editors have not been tested)