
My solutions to the homework assigned in Bilkent's CS484, Introduction to Computer Vision, class.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Assignments of CS484 - Introduction to Computer Vision

Homework 1:

  • Grayscale and Binary Images
  • Automatic Thresholding using Otsu Method
  • Morphological Operations: Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing, etc.
  • Connected Components Labeling

Homework 2:

  • Binary Classification on RGB Images using the Perceptron Model
  • Convolutional Neural Networks using Keras

Homework 3:

  • Edge Detection using Sobel and Prewitt Operators
  • Edge Detection using Canny Edge Detector
  • Implementation of Canny Edge Detector steps:
    • Noise Reduction using Gaussian Blur Filters
    • Gradient Calculation using Sobel Masks
    • Non-Maximum Suppression Algorithm
    • Double Thresholding Algorithm
    • Hysteresis Algorithm
  • Hough Transform and Hough Line Detection Algorithm