
Abstractorizer is a thin wrapper for embedding external GUI/3D graphics library widgets into Qt/CopperSpice.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

*** Currently in early development!!! ***

Abstractorizer is thin wrapper to embed external GUI/3D graphics library widgets into Qt/CopperSpice. Its goal is to allow the gradually migration of Qt widget/Qt3D applications to other frameworks, one widget at a time. Where possible, it wraps libraries' native windows. Otherwise it embeds libraries in an intermediate SDL window/widget, either directly or through a GPU context.

Once all widgets in an application are 'Abstractorized', you can then switch to CopperSpice or another layout/window manager of your choice with minimal effort and remove Abstractorizer from your application.

Contributions are very welcome, especially if you would like to help speed inclusion of a specific GUI library/3D engine.

Build Instructions

Optional dependencies:

Qt Installed via vcpkg if required.

CopperSpice Must be installed manually, no vcpkg/conan package available. Binaries available here: https://download.copperspice.com/copperspice/binary/

ImGUI Bundled submodule.

LVGL Bundled submodule.

Magnum Installed via vcpkg if required.

Godot Bundled submodule.

Wicked Engine Bundled submodule.

To be considered for inclusion, a GUI library/3D engine should ideally:

  • Be cross-platform
  • Be useable as a library via a C++ API (either directly or with minimal tinkering)
  • Have decent documentation
  • Be either buildable or readily configurable via CMake
  • Be under active development

Currently included:

  • Magnum
  • Qt3D
  • SDL
  • ImGUI
  • tinyrenderer

In progress:

  • Lvgl (waiting on resolution of MSVC bug # 1380599, until then adding a C++ interface is too painful)

Queued for inclusion:

Under consideration:

  • Godot: if the editor dependency can be worked-around
  • Filament
  • Diligent Engine
  • The Forge
  • Yocto/GL
  • GTK (widget toolkit only, if anyone has a working SDL-rendering backend)

On hold:

  • Wicked Engine: no primitives library or dynamic mesh construction, limited documentation
