
.Net Core 5.0 Web Api

Primary LanguageC#

Kahveli Kodlama Web Api

This is a solution template for building an ASP.NET Core Web API following the Clean Architecture principles. Our scenario is to create a forum site. We have our topics, users and content.

Hope it will be a useful resource for those interested.

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Clone the project

Run the command to clone this project

  git clone https://github.com/efekahveci/KahveliKodlamaWebApi.git

Project Structure


  • ASP.NET Core Web API application
  • REST API principles, CRUD operations
  • Repository Pattern Implementation
  • Using Microsoft Identity with JWT
  • Using EFCORE for micro-orm implementation to simplify data access and ensure high performance
  • Implementing DDD, CQRS, and Onion Architecture with using Best Practices
  • Developing CQRS with using MediatR, FluentValidation,AutoMapper and SeriLog packages
  • Swagger Open API implementation


  • Angular


  • POSTGRESQL is used as database. The appsettings.json file of the projects should be edited for the local server.

And run on package manager console

   update-database -Context KahveliContext
   update-database -Context IdentityContext

For What

I have a goal of creating a resource for friends who are just starting out and want to follow current structures. You can stay tuned to see the formation of similar libraries or innovations.

API Usage

Fetch all items

  GET /api/Category/getAllDto
Parameter Type Desc
api_key string Necessary. Your API key.

Fetch item

  GET api/Category/getByIdDto/${id}
Parameter Type Desc
id string Necessary. Key value of the item to be called