
This forked copy of Vidulums blockchain.

Primary LanguageGo


vidulum is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Starport.

Get started

Github: https://github.com/vidulum/mainnet

Explorer: https://explorers.vidulum.app/vidulum

Discord for Support: https://discord.gg/QhV2Wx6

Vidulum App to interact with our blockchains staking, governance and more!

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vidulumwallet.app

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1505859171

Web: https://wallet.vidulum.app

- Download Prebuilt Binary

wget https://github.com/vidulum/mainnet/releases/download/v1.0.0/vidulum_linux_amd64.tar.gz

- Store Binary in local bin

mv vidulumd /usr/local/bin/vidulumd

- Generate address and build chain data files (Default .vidulum)

- Replace CAPS with your preferred name for the address/key (Example: mainwallet)

vidulumd keys add KEYNAME --keyring-backend os

- Save the genesis file to Vidulum data folder

wget -P .vidulum/config/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vidulum/mainnet/main/genesis.json

- Start the daemon and save peers to address book

vidulumd start --p2p.seeds="883ec7d5af7222c206674c20c997ccc5c242b38b@ec2-3-82-120-39.compute-1.amazonaws.com:26656,eed11fff15b1eca8016c6a0194d86e4a60a65f9b@apollo.erialos.me:26656"

- Allow daemon to fully sync


To release a new version of your blockchain, create and push a new tag with v prefix. A new draft release with the configured targets will be created.

git tag v0.1
git push origin v0.1

After a draft release is created, make your final changes from the release page and publish it.


To install the latest version of your blockchain node's binary, execute the following command on your machine:


Learn more